I have high blood pressure. In fact, at one time very recently it was 190/120. I have decided to limit my caffeine intake in a big way. I used to allow myself four or five cans of Arizona Ice Tea and one cup of coffee a week. I cut out the coffee completely and scaled back the Arizona to two cans a week.
Well today was one of my Arizona days and I picked up the Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey (The kind with the Apple Juice is the best, but the store I went to didn’t have any) and I noticed a type that I have never seen before: Black Tea with Ginseng and Honey. I drank the Black Tea with my lunch and thought that it was pretty good but the taste wasn’t any spectacular enough for me to go out of my way to buy it again.
About 40 minutes later I started to get really jittery and my heart was beating really fast. At first I thought that I was having a panic attack, but as my panic started to rise I looked over at the Black Tea and noticed that it is called The Original Energy Drink. Now I don’t know if all Arizona Ice Tea is subtitled The Original Energy Drink, but I know now to avoid the Black Tea and maybe in the future actually read the label of what I’m buying. The worst part is that I feel so achy and bad, that I didn’t even finish the Black Tea and I’m leery about the Green Tea.
Lucky for me, they also have a line of Caffeine-Free drinks.