Myanmar Update 5/9/2008

As outrageous as I have found the behavior of the Myanmar generals who run the cyclone ravaged country (see amateur video below that was linked from the BBC’s news site), I found it even more reprehensible that the junta is finally accepting foreign aid, but not foreign aid workers.  Here are links to stories from Reuters and the BBC.

I can understand (sort of) that the country is very isolationist and they don’t want foreigners running all over the country unescorted, but to take the food and not let the people giving know where it is going just screams of corruption to me.  I could honestly see a situation where the junta leaders are keeping the food from the people who need it so that they can hold on to power a little tighter.  I know that millions of people are going to want to help the Myanmar survivors, but I wonder how much of their donations will be going to help the Myanmar generals.

Here is the video:


