I have been working on freelance reporting project and the latest proof has been sent to my customer’s customer for review. I don’t expect to hear back from them for a few days so I have been working on some personal/network stuff.
Today I posted the latest episode of the BoxxOnline Punk Rock Show. Actually I threw together a playlist, recorded a show, wrote the shownotes, updated the site and uploaded the show today.
I also used a free domain registration from my hosting service to get http://www.dcnoisepodcast.com. While I was thinking about it, I also grabbed http://www.thereaderfeed.com.
So most of my evening has been sent setting up WordPress 2.7 for those two sites. Neither of them are at the level that I want them to be, but they look pretty good for the first day.
Mentally, I have also been working on the next episode of Movie Noise (which should encompass looks at four movies with a common theme) and the next two Book Review Noise episodes (The Coffin Dancer and The Empty Chair, both by Jeffrey Deaver, then I think I am going to lay off of his books for a while). I also have started thinking about the next fourteen episodes of Mosai Noise (which should end The Blackout storyline and I’ll go to shorter more self contained stories) and a science opera podiobook that I have been thinking about.
I also have recording to do tomorrow with Angie and reading to do for my upcoming Queen and Country ReaderFeed series.
I think that if I hadn’t been smacked upside the head with writer’s block for the past few months, then I would have been this productive since my unemployment started.
Still, there is this nagging little voice in the back of my head telling me that I could be doing more.