No Good Affiliate Marketing Podcasts?

I was listening to an episode of Good Clean Fun where Michael Butler was talking about attending the Affiliate Marketing Summit. He gave a brief synopsis of what he thought affiliate marketing was and unlike a lot of other people, he made it sound semi-interesting. I know that a lot of people think that the dual worlds of affiliate marketing and SEO (search engine optimization) are pretty interesting, but a lot of times the people who talk about it make it seem like they are trying to sell a used car filled with a miracle cure-all that can make it rain. Not everybody, but enough for me to keep away from that whole scene.

He piqued my interest enough to make me do a search in iTunes for ‘affiliate marketing’ to see what kind of podcasts were out there.  While I know that the iTunes Store is not the best place when it comes to wanting to find anything but the most mainstream media type of podcast, it just seems to me that a lot of those marketing types would want to attach themselves to the current 800 pound gorilla.

It therefore came as a bit of a surprise to me that out of the first ten podcasts that I took a look at, I only found ONE affiliate marketing podcast that had an episode released in 2009, three had a last release date in 2008 (including one from “the greatest affiliate marketer on the planet!”), two in 2007 (and one of these was a teaser clip for a weekly podcast that still has not materialized), two in 2006, one in 2005 and one that was completely blank, which makes me wonder why it was even in the system at all.

Unfortunately for me, the one affiliate marketing podcast that I found and is still active is an interview podcast.  As a general rule I don’t listen to interview podcasts. If the interviewer is someone I would otherwise listen to (like Dave Slusher, Michael Butler or some of my comic book podcasting friends) or if the interviewee is worked into a real conversation (like the interviews on Keith and The Girl), then I will happily make an exception.

In the case of affiliate marketing/SEO, it seems to me that the main reason to talk anyone about those subjects is because they are an expert of some sort. In that case, I would rather hear that expert on their own podcast (or whatever form of new media they gravitate towards) than to hear them talk to someone else about the subject. Since most interview podcasts exist to have a new guest on every episode, I find that I usually do not make a connection with the host.  Without that connection, listening to a bunch of random people talking about a subject I know nothing about doesn’t sound very appealing to me.

If anyone knows about an affiliate marketing podcast* that is pretty good, please leave a comment.

* If you know any good ones for SEO, let me know as well. I didn’t look for one so I don’t know if I would find a similar situation to the affiliate marketing ones.


