Is It Just Me?

Am I wrong in thinking that if there is a three day weekend, you should try and have the get-togethers on the second day and then use the last day as a day of rest and/or recovery?

I realize that I just don’t like having a lot of people in my house (and everybody knows that I don’t like having a lot of people in my house), but to me it would just make sense.

  • Day One, you clean the house and make sure you have everything. Any pre-cooking you can do gets out of the way early.
  • Day Two, you have everybody over and everyone stays until they leave. No one rushes out of the door and no one feels as though they are being rushed out the door.
  • Day Three, you sleep in late, you rest up, you clean the house and mentally prepare yourself for the remainder of the upcoming week.

That seems logical to me. Of course there are times when some of the people you want to invite will have to work on Day Two and depending on the strength of your relationship with them, you may want to reschedule. However if this same person has to work every time you schedule something on Day Two, then regardless of the strength of your relationship with them, they just get uninvited. Sorry, but I don’t see why someone else’s work should always impact my rest.

So, am I off base on this?


