Derek Coward’s Noise
Two observations
1) I think that I have been cast as the Morton Downey Jr of comic book podcasting. I have more people sending me emails that they love the rants that I do than ones telling me that they like or dislike my opinions. I’m not sure how I feel about my opinions, likes and dislikes…
Isabella 2007-2008
She was a very good puppy with very bad genes. I am a cat person, I have always been a cat person. She touched my heart more than any dog ever could and I will miss her. Some people say that she was lucky to have us in her life, but we were the lucky…
My first attempt at video
For some reason uploading the video to an online service strips out the credits and one of the audio tracks. Here is the un-messedup version: Download
Update on Patti
Patti went to the hospital and was told that she has pancreatitis. The doctor prescribed Nexium (the little purple pill) and a painkiller for the pain. She was also told to quit smoking, change her diet and quit drinking pop. Thanks to all my friends for their well wishes and support. I appreciate it more…
"Oh well, It can’t get any worse"
A few weeks ago, there was an “incident” with my Skype account that resulted in me being out $130, dropping Paypal and for the first time in my life, doubting doing anything involving money online. Skype reversed the charges and now I have over $100 in Skype Credit which is not very useful to me…
Two Things 7/27
I am heading out for the day but I have two things I wanted to share. 1) My cassette adapter is still broken, so I have a bunch of old tapes with me: Expose-What You Don’t Know, Whodini-Escape and The Best of Charlie Parker Vol 2. 2) I saw Dark Passage today for the first…
Something a little depressing
I just realized that my termination day with the company I used to work for is August 15, 2008. That is also the 3 year anniversary of Deliberate Noise. At first I could feel the cold tendrils of depression trying to take hold of my mind, but I realized that when I posted the first…
Why my unemployment is good for the nation.
Ever since I was downsized, it appears as though gas prices have dropped nation wide. I got a tankful of gas at lunchtime at $4.19, got downsized and as I drove by the same gas station, the price was $4.15. Not nice. The last time my car was out of commission, I hitched a ride…
The blog is renamed
I didn’t put a lot of thought into the naming of this blog simply because I didn’t plan on using it very much. Lately I have been using it a lot more than I had thought I would, so I decided to worry about naming it. Since like my various podcasts, this is just me…
No more Paypal
Due to the events of last week, I have gotten rid of my Paypal account. If you still want to buy a T-shirt or make a donation to the show, email me at and we’ll work something out. This also means no more eBay auctions for me. Thank goodness for Atomic Avenue. Sorry for…