Derek Coward’s Noise

  • Another little known fact about me

    Another thing that most people don’t know about me is that ever since I started my new job, I fast every Friday while at work. By fasting, I mean that I only drink water and don’t eat any food. I know that some people also don’t drink water in their fasts, but for some reason…

  • A little known fact about me

    A little known fact about me is that unless I am referring to specific albums by Richard Pryor, I don’t use a particular word that starts with the letter N. I’m not saying that I have never used it, but even when I was younger, there were other words I would prefer to use. My…

  • Netflix Raises Prices

    I just received an email from Netflix that says they are changing my current plan ($9.99 for 1 DVD out at a time plus unlimited streaming) by splitting it into two plans ($7.99 for unlimited streaming only and $7.99 for 1 DVD out at a time only). I can get either of the new plans…

  • How to NOT Make a New Contact

    Hey “world’s fastest-growing business network” that I had never heard of before! If you are going to send some email to someone who you want to join into your network, I have two pieces of advice for you: Don’t send it to an account that doesn’t exist, so that the only way a person can…

  • Google Music Finished

    After about a week and a half (maybe even two weeks, I’m not really sure), Google Music has finally finished importing my iTunes collection.  According to Music Manager, 5,649 songs were added and 25,540 songs were skipped. According to the Music Player on the website, 8647 songs were added. I wish I could have had…

  • WTF Video

    Have you ever seen something that made you go “WTF?” I had that exact feeling when I saw this video of a political ad from California: This thing is so over the top offensive that I find it difficult to believe that it is serious.

  • Stephen Won’t Watch ‘Gremlins’

    My son Stephen and I were watching TV when a commercial for a showing of the movie Gremlins came on. I was a little excited because I thought he might want to watch a movie that I remember liking when I was younger, but at the same time I thought it might be a little…

  • Takes Me Back To High School

    Very little takes me back to high school like seeing videos of video games from that time.   These were only three of my favorites. I might try and find some videos of more.

  • Video: Microsoft Buys Skype

    I am not a big fan of Skype and haven’t been one for a long time. On the flip side, I have always liked Microsoft products for some reason. I just hope Microsoft can straighten Skype out or if they can’t, put them out of their misery. The whole eBay/Skype thing didn’t make much sense…

  • A Particular Set of Skills

    I was walking around minding my own business when I got a phone call. Me: Hello? Him: Hello. Is this Derek? Me: Yes. Him: Hello, Derek. My name is (something I couldn’t hear properly) and I’m calling from (again something unintelligible) Insurance Company. My manager and I found your resume online and we think your…