Tag: food
I Want An Ice Cream Sandwich
I want an ice cream sandwich, but not just any ice cream sandwich. I had a great ice cream sandwich back in my freshman year of high school (1981). Most ice cream sandwiches have cake-like wafers, but this one had crunchy cookie style wafers. I’m not sure how they kept things from getting mushy or…
Another little known fact about me
Another thing that most people don’t know about me is that ever since I started my new job, I fast every Friday while at work. By fasting, I mean that I only drink water and don’t eat any food. I know that some people also don’t drink water in their fasts, but for some reason…
Random Picture of Chaat
I think this looks really good, even though I am allergic to peas. If I could eat things like this (even though they contain tomato, bean, peas and corn), I would consider eating more vegetarian meals. I wonder if there are any vegetarian/vegan restaurants near me.
Random Picture of Grits
Random Picture of Onion Rings
Random Picture of Beer Pt. 2
Random Picture of Beer
Why not?
Since It Has Been A Year
My favorite BBQ joint has gone out of business and their building has been taken over by a Coney Island restaurant. It has been over a year now. I guess it is past time that I take their number out of my cell phone and get them off of speed dial.
My Food Allergies
Pork Milk Corn Rye Beans Peas Pepper Brewer’s Yeast Eggs Codfish UPDATE: Tomato. I can’t believe I forgot that one. UPDATE 2: Garlic and lamb should also be on the list. I’m pretty sure there may be at least one more, but I cannot remember it right now. I will update this post if I…
What To Eat After A Clear Liquid Diet?
I am going into the hospital today for an outpatient procedure (Hint: It rhymes with Schmolonoscopy) and therefore have been on a clear liquid diet for the past 24 hours. In fact, the last solid thing I ate was a plate of crab legs on Saturday night (delicious by the way). Since then I have…