Tag: music

  • Shuffling The iPod

    Image via Wikipedia I keep seeing these memes on Facebook about starting the iPod on shuffle mode and writing down the first n number of songs. I see five songs or 25 songs. I’m not doing either. Five is too short and 25 is too uninteresting. So I will stop at 10. 1. Tsunami Bomb…

  • What Did They Say?

  • “In Jazz, A Song Is Just A Suggestion…”

    This is a clip from a longer show about John Coltrane. The title of this post comes from a small interview with Joshua Redman and I loved it as soon as it came out of his mouth. It is really weird to hear him say this because I was listening to Michael Butler’s excellent interview…

  • John Coltrane’s Psalm by John Coltrane

    OK, this didn’t take long to find. YouTube had this same video up, but after it was posted, they stripped out the audio. While I understand why they did it (due to copyright concerns, I guess), it defeats the purpose of having this particular video on the site and makes this particular corner of YouTube…

  • John Coltrane’s Psalm

    While I was looking for the John Coltrane video for the last post, I am across this video which is an intrepretation of the last movement of ‘A Love Supreme’ (Psalm). What a lot of people don’t know (and I was one of them until recently) was that the saxophone in Psalm was “speaking” a…

  • Stephen’s Musical Taste

    Since my son Stephen has discovered video gameplay videos on YouTube he has not only developed a love for video games like Toontown Online, Animal Crossing and Paper Super Mario Brothers but also songs like Hey St. Peter, Year 3000 and Over My Head (Cable Car). He also likes We Will Rock You because of…

  • Feeling Bad

    I feel really bad this morning. Not emotionally or spiritually, this is all physical. I feel so bad that I can’t even make analogies. Case in point: “I feel bad. You know that stuff that feels bad. I feel like that.” Anyway, here is something that will hopefully brighten my day when I feel like…

  • A Change Is Gonna Come

    I just found out about the Playing For Change project, although a lot of people have already heard of the great rendition of Stand By Me by them. I decided to see what other videos they had out there and I came across this version of A Change Is Gonna Come which is beautiful. A…

  • Tupiniquin – O Vaso e a Rosa

    I received an email from a company that wanted me to check out some of their artists. This was one of the songs that really stood out to me. I like it. It’s nice.

  • Amy Winehouse and Billie Holiday

    I have an account over at blip.fm, which has been described as Twitter for music.  I like it, but then again I like most music services that introduce me to music that other people like and not necessarily the music that some program director somewhere likes or some company in cahoots with the music industry…