Tag: skype
Video: Microsoft Buys Skype
I am not a big fan of Skype and haven’t been one for a long time. On the flip side, I have always liked Microsoft products for some reason. I just hope Microsoft can straighten Skype out or if they can’t, put them out of their misery. The whole eBay/Skype thing didn’t make much sense…
Skype Ridiculousness
I know I should keep away from Skype after the frustration of this past summer, but they have refunded a considerable amount of my money in the form of Skype Credit. However, the only thing you can do with Skype Credit is spend it on Skype stuff. And I’m not talking about some of the…
No more Paypal
Due to the events of last week, I have gotten rid of my Paypal account. If you still want to buy a T-shirt or make a donation to the show, email me at derek@comicbooknoise.com and we’ll work something out. This also means no more eBay auctions for me. Thank goodness for Atomic Avenue. Sorry for…
Extra notes for Deliberate Noise 104
I don’t know about you but this looks the way I would picture terrorist cell activity to look: Date Number Destination Type Rate/min. Duration Price Jul 08, 2008 13:25 +84241244451 Vietnam call 0.329 04:57 USD 1.684 Jul 08, 2008 13:24 +9746494438 Qatar call 0.376 00:00 USD 0.000 Jul 08, 2008 13:24 +9746494438 Qatar call 0.376…