Tag: tv
The Reason Behind The Union Busting?
Has it occurred to anybody that the reason the Conservative governors are trying so hard to bust the public unions is because they cannot outsource those jobs overseas, like private corporations have done to weaken the private unions? When the unions are busted, the Democratic Party will then get rid of all pretense of caring…
Series Finales
This week I watched three different series finales. They were all shows that I liked and hated to see go, but all good things must end (and no, Star Trek The Next Generation was any of them). They were Reaper, Kings and Prison Break. These were three good shows and I wish they could have…
TV Season Finales for 2009
For the past few years, TV season finales have been lame. Mostly because they seem to be either “shock” endings that come out of nowhere (like the shooting of a minor character at the end of The Closer) or they just seem to be there (like the hand holding stare of Scrubs). I understand that…